Carolyn Moore has practiced as an ordained pastor since 1998, spending her days creating conversations and communities that welcome and advance the Kingdom of God. She is a podcaster  (Art of Holiness) and the author of four Bible studies and two books. Her latest, When Women Lead (Zondervan), is written for women who are ready to embrace their God-given authority, move beyond barriers to effective ministry, and find joy in leading others. She is happily married to Steve Moore, a retired high school history teacher and happy truck driver. 



The 12-Step Journey to Freedom: For nearly 25 years, Mosaic Church has used the 12 Steps of A.A. to reach folks who might not otherwise find themselves in church. While for many of us, the steps may seem like unfamiliar territory, and secular -- something for addicts but not for us -- the fact is, steps belonged to the church long before they belonged to the world of recovery. The 12 Steps are basic Christianity, and introducing them to folks seeking healing is one of the best ways to start a conversation about God. In this talk, we'll get a crash course on the 12 Steps, along with some ideas for taking them home and making them part of a discipleship plan.