David F. Watson is Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament at United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio. He has authored or edited a number of publications, including Key United Methodist Beliefs (with William J. Abraham), Wesley, Wesleyans, and Reading Bible as Scripture (edited with Joel B. Green) and has written a variety of articles and book chapters. His most recent book is Scripture and the Life of God: Why the Bible Matters Today More than Ever (Seedbed, 2017). At present he is working on a book on Methodism and the Bible. He serves as Lead Editor of Firebrand and is one of the hosts of the Firebrand Podcast.

David is an elder in the Global Methodist Church and serves on its Transitional Leadership Council. He and his family attend Stillwater Church in Dayton, Ohio.


Worldview, Warfare, and Deliverance. Majority world Christianity is familiar with the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit. They experience the gifts of the Spirit and the miraculous on a regular basis. They minister deliverance from demonic powers, healing, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit. "Charismatic" Christianity is normative in the 2/3's world. Why is it not so with the church in the West? Why do we not minister deliverance, healing, and the power of the Spirit with such regularity and fluency? Dr. Bellini understands the problem as a worldview problem. The operating worldview in the West does not account for the "invisible" world of angels and demons. It does not allow for the daily supernatural activity of the Holy Spirit. Learn more about worldview, spiritual warfare and deliverance so that you may be equipped to demonstrate the power of the gospel and set the captives free.