Dr. Wes and Joy Griffin co-founded the International Leadership Insitute (ILI) in 1998 to change history by accelerating the spread of the life-transforming power of the Gospel through leaders of leaders empowered by the Holy Spirit. Today, over 300,000 alumni serve on the cutting edge of Christian leadership in more than 110 nations. ILI’s unique contribution is the discovery of the Eight Core Values of the most effective Christian leaders. For more information go to ILITeam.org.

Prior to establishing the International Leadership Insitute, the Griffins served on the front-lines of Christian leadership development in the former Soviet Union. In the early 1990s, following the collapse of Soviet Communism, they served as missionaries in Estonia and established the Baltic Methodist Theological Seminary.

Wes and Joy have two adult children, Hannah and Caleb.


Funding Your Mission Strategy: Funding your mission strategy is often the difference between good ideas and actually fulfilling your part of the Great Commission. Join Dr. Wes and Joy Griffin to learn how to fund your mission strategy. Wes and Joy have preached in over 100 missions conferences and have been instrumental in seeing tens of millions of dollars raised for local and global missions.