Reverend John David (J.D.) Walt is the Founder and President (a.k.a. The Sower-in-Chief) of Seedbed, Inc. (founded 2012) whose mission is to gather, connect and resource the people of God to sow for a great awakening.  Seedbed, a non-denominational ministry, publishes a full complement of awakening and disciple-making resources, hosts the annual NewRoom Conference which has grown from an attendance of 200 to approaching 3,000 over the past eight years, and connects leaders of all sorts, lay and clergy, in the work of sowing for the awakening throughout the world. He writes every day for The Seedbed Daily Text, a devotional followed by tens of thousands of readers.  He is a licensed attorney in the state of Arkansas and an ordained elder in the Texas Annual Conference of the United Methodist Church.


Just Jesus: Unassuming, unpretentious, unproduced, unimpressive, unplanned, un-anything, just Jesus. He is everything and the only thing. JD Walt is the founder and sower in chief of Seedbed.