Dr. Keith Cowart is a graduate of Georgia Southern University (BBA, 1986) and Asbury Theological Seminary (M. Div., 1991; D. Min. 2002). His wife, Pam Taylor Cowart, is also a graduate of ATS (M. Div., 1991). Keith and Pam have 2 adult sons, Andrew and Aaron. In 1997, Keith planted Christ Community Church in Columbus, Georgia. Over the 21 years that he served as Lead Pastor, Christ Community planted or played a major role in planting 4 other churches and sent out more than 35 men and women to serve as pastors, parachurch ministry directors, military chaplains or missionaries around the world. During that tenure, Keith also served as Area Director of Southern Europe for FMWM in 2014-2015. Following a brief term as Superintendent of the Southeast Region (FMC), Keith was elected Bishop of the FMC in 2019. For fun Keith loves following the home teams (Go Braves, Dawgs, Falcons!), reading, racquetball, treasure hunting (Pam calls it junk), and almost anything that puts him in the outdoors.


A Church Without Walls: In Ephesians 2:14, the Apostle Paul declares that Jesus “has broken down the dividing wall of hostility” between two historically opposed ethnic groups (Jews and Gentiles). In Galatians 3:28, he expands the unifying impact of Jesus’ work to gender and socio-economic groups. In an increasingly polarized society, it has never been more important for the church to lean into the biblical call of unity in diversity. Drawing on twenty years of experience as the founding pastor of a racially and socio-economically diverse church in the heart of the Deep South, Bishop Keith Cowart (Free Methodist Church) will explore both the challenges and blessings of living as a church without walls.