Kyle Frohock is ordained in the Wesleyan tradition (Global Methodist Church) and has served in diverse roles, including pastoring, teaching, and urban ministry in his twenty years of ministry. He is the director of development and intercultural engagement for The Wesley Heritage Foundation (, working to develop leaders of thriving churches across the Spanish-speaking world. Kyle is also a PhD student in intercultural studies at Fuller Seminary researching missional hermeneutics and Paul’s intercultural missiology. He lives in Nashville with his wife, Tess, and their four daughters.


The Church’s Disciple-Making Mission with Hispanic Partners in the US. In recent years, the focus of mission has shifted from just evangelism to a deeper emphasis on disciple-making—a practice at the heart of Jesus’ Great Commission. History shows that healthy, multiplying churches thrive where disciple-making is central. Yet, many U.S. churches overlook the powerful role that Spanish-speaking congregations play in this mission. In this workshop, you’ll discover how your church can partner with Hispanic leaders for the mutually-beneficial work of helping church members grow to be lasting disciples of Jesus. You’ll explore how shared biblical principles, seen in the Global South church movements, can fuel growth and impact in your own community. Through this session, you’ll be equipped, inspired, and ready to collaborate with Latino leaders in ways that strengthen the Church and advance the mission of disciple-making.