Pastor Luciano Pereira da Silva is 48 years old, has been married for 27 years to Shirley Rocha (47) and they have a daughter, Maria Fernanda Rocha Pereira, 22 years old. He is currently pursuing a Masters in Ministry at Fuller University, Pasadena, California, United States of America. Graduated in Bachelor of Theology from the Faculty of Theology of the Methodist Church in São Paulo, Brazil.

Ministerial Experience: He has been pastor of the Brazilian Methodist Church since 1996. He was pastor in the state of Paraná from 2000 to 2010, where he revitalized and planted some churches. In 2010 he traveled to several cities in Brazil where he preached in more than 70 churches. In 2011 he was sent as a missionary to Peru, where he was the national director of discipleship for four years, supporting and mentoring pastors and leaders from all over the country in the development of churches based on discipleship.

In 2013 he was appointed in Costa Rica as general secretary of CIEMAL (Council of Evangelical Methodist Churches of Latin America and the Caribbean). From 2013 until mid-2022, he worked with churches in Latin America and the Caribbean, training more than 2,000 people for mission and discipleship. He traveled to over 42 countries around the world giving talks on mission and discipleship. He currently lives in Panama City, where he founded the ASA – Movement missionary training and sending center.

He is the author of four books, "To tread on serpents and scopiōes", which talks about the importance of intercession and spiritual struggle, "The Fire of God", a force that drives the Church in mission. “The passion for evangelization and discipleship”, in Portuguese, English and Spanish, where he talks about the importance of evangelization and discipleship.

And his last book deals with the need for revival: "It shall flow like a river, or revival comes from the throne."


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