Rob Lim is passionate about empowering a generation for Kingdom influence in the global marketplace. He serves as Assistant Professor of Business at Asbury University (KY, USA), is a marketplace evangelist, and co-founder of the social entrepreneur group, MATES for Change (Melbourne, Australia). Most recently he was a industry leader in mortgages as Global Head of Home Lending at one of the world’s largest banks, accountable for over $300 billion worth of assets across Australia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Japan. In 2012, Rob was elected as one of five young leaders internationally to be a council member on the World Methodist Council. He is married to Ruth and has four sons: Jared, Noah, and twins Jude and Benji.
Mission in the Marketplace. Most of us spend more time at work than with our families, at church, or any other activity; so how do we steward what God has started in this season of revival, and commission our people to live out the great commission across all spheres and industries within the marketplace?
The Marketplace is My Parish. Is the Great Commission really only relevant to those that are on the “mission-field”? Is it only relevant to the 0.01% of all Christians that are vocational missionaries? What about the rest of the church, the other 99.99% who are not on the mission-field? Is their job to simply fund their endeavors, to tithe, write a check, or support via prayer? The largest missions opportunity for the church today is not only the 10/40 window, but also the 9 to 5 window. In this session Rob Lim will empower us to consecrate, configure, catalyze and commission the marketplace saints for this season of outpouring.